NOW hiring part time employees
I am hiring part time employees this year. :) I am excited to share this farming experience with others and grow community on our farm. As this small farm continues to grow, I am looking for other like-minded individuals who are passionate about learning to grow their own organic vegetables &herbs, holistically care for animals, and live sustainably minded. There are endless lessons to be observed in nature and constant inspiration from all its miracles. To be clear and honest, farm work can be physically demanding, somewhat repetitive, and most always pretty dirty and sweaty! But, it is also very rewarding and fulfilling work for those with a farming lifestyle mindset. We will sweat together, laugh, problem solve, share stories, conquer big tasks, observe nature, constantly learning and creating possibilities, and of course, enjoy nutritious meals from food we have grown with our own hands. I want to encourage employees to take produce, herbs, and flowers home too. I love to cook and share with this community.
Job Description
Seeking 2-3 team members for the 2021 season, March-November.
Position requires 6-8 hour days, 1-2 days a week to start. More opportunities as season schedule allows. - Work schedule is determined by season. Must be able to work as early as 6:30 AM and as late as 4:30 PM
Ideally, it would be great to hire 2 people so we can team work on heavy harvest-wash-pack days and flexibility to have 1 more day for farm tasks and accomplish bigger goals.
Must have own transportation.
Some farm duties may include: bed preparation, seeding, transplanting, weeding, harvesting, washing and packing, tending poultry flocks & moving mobile fences with me, farm maintenance, etc
Must be able to stand and/or kneel for extended periods. Be able to lift 50lbs. Be able to work in a variety of weather conditions and to be prepared accordingly.
Must be punctual and reliable.
Ideal team members must have a positive can-do attitude, communicate effectively, and work closely with others. Must be able to follow both verbal and written instructions, and complete tasks in a timely manner with high quality. I am utilizing Trello app. this year for task coordination and communication with my team.
Pay based on experience, with opportunities to grow in responsibilities and pay rate as you become part of the team.
Prior farming and/or growing experience is a plus, however, no prior farming experience necessary, only the passion, willingness and desire to learn.
If you feel this is the job for you, and that you’d make a good fit on our farm, then we encourage you to please fill out the application below and email your resume (informal) with references to (please include the words ‘resume 2021’ in subject line)
**Please note that an emailed informal resume is required for consideration. I am looking forward to hearing from you